Package-level declarations
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class ImageModel( val model: Any?, val placeholder: Painter? = null, val error: Painter? = null, val fallback: Painter? = error, val contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.Crop, val alpha: Float = DefaultAlpha, val colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null, val filterQuality: FilterQuality = DrawScope.DefaultFilterQuality)
Represents the model for the image.
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class MediaInfo
Represents a media information to be used in drawing the images or thumbnail of videos. This can be created by either UikitFileMessage.originalMediaInfo or UikitFileMessage.thumbnailMediaInfo.
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Represents the type of the message group to be used in drawing the message.
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class MessagePagingParams(val hasNext: Boolean = false, val hasPrevious: Boolean = false, val initialized: Boolean = false)
Represents the paging parameters for messages.
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Represents the type of the message to be used in drawing the message in ChannelScreen.