Chat UIKit SwiftUI v3
Chat UIKit SwiftUI
Chat UIKit
Version 3

UI config in Sendbird Dashboard

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On this page, you'll learn how to quickly build Sendbird Chat SwiftUI on Sendbird Dashboard with just a few lines of code.

Before you start

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Before installing Sendbird Chat SDK, you need to create a Sendbird application on the Sendbird Dashboard, which comprises everything required in a chat service including users, messages, and channels. You will need the App ID of your Sendbird application when initializing the Chat SDK.

Note: Each Sendbird application can be integrated with a single client app. In the same context, only one UI config is allowed per application.

UI config setup

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Follow the steps to quickly build UI from the dashboard.

Step 1 Set up UI config

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Log in to Sendbird Dashboard and under Chat, find Try UIKit for Chat. Once selected, you'll be guided through an onboarding session for UI config.

Step 2 Customize UI and preview

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When UI config setup is finished, you can easily navigate to customize UI components for your app. Customization may include turning on or off UI features. Preview of the app is also available on the dashboard. Once you’re satisfied with the preview, see our documentation page to build your app.

Step 3 Code configuration

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The code-level configuration is necessary after the initial UI config setup is finished on the dashboard.

For iOS, use the config property of the SendbirdUI class to modify the SwiftUI feature configuration. To check the components of this property, see the SBUConfig class. = true = true

Step 4 Check UI config

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To check if the UI config has been applied correctly, close the app and restart again. Because the UI config isn't applied in real-time, it's important to remember that the configuration will be applied after the changes' first connection. In addition, check the app attributes and its priority.

  • UI config is created to manage UI of UIKit, whereas already existing app attributes are created to manage features. However, if the features aren't turned on, UI won't show on the screen. Therefore, UI config depends on app attributes. Currently, UI config's message search, OG tag, and reactions depend on app attributes. If these features are turned off in Chat SDK, but turned on in UI config, the features won't work in UI config. So make sure that these features are turned on from the Chat SDK side.

  • Values set by code has higher priority than the values set on the dashboard. If you're already using UIKit, it's most likely that your app will have the settings by code. In this case, even if you configure from the dashboard, it will be ignored.

Access and permissions

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UI config has the following accesses for owner, admins, and users.

  • Owner can have access to edit and view UI config.
  • Admin can also have access to edit and view UI config.
  • Users can only have access to view UI config.