Chat UIKit SwiftUI v3
Chat UIKit SwiftUI
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Search messages

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You can search for messages within a group channel using the MessageSearchView structure, which displays the message search bar and the search results. The message search view is accessible through the Search in channel option in the MessageSearchView structure. Once you tap on one of the search results in the message search view, a new group channel view with the selected message as highlighted appears.

Note: If you set the starting point of your chat service to be the channel list or group channel, you can seamlessly guide your users to the message search view.


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You can start building a message search view by initializing the MessageSearchView structure.

import SwiftUI
import SendbirdSwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var provider: MessageSearchViewProvider

    var body: some View {
        MessageSearchView(provider: provider)

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Customization for this screen is not supported yet. We will gradually increase the customization capabilities.