Chat UIKit SwiftUI v3
Chat UIKit SwiftUI
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Font resources

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The FontSet class manages a set of Font properties used in SwiftUI views. All fonts used in SwiftUI are configured under this class but you can also customize the values of FontSet to use different fonts in views.

Note : FontSet must be set before SendbirdSwiftUI initialization, and if you change them at runtime, you must call SBUTheme.set(theme:)' to reflect them in the generated theme.

Customize fonts

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You can override the properties of FontSet to customize the fonts. You must configure the fonts in FontSet first before creating custom themes in order to apply the customized fonts to the themes. Any font changes made after won't be applied to themes that were created before. Fonts that are selected to be used in the global theme will be applied to all themes in SwiftUI.

FontSet.h1 = Font.system(size: 18, weight: .bold)
FontSet.body1 = Font.body

Note : Change the font values before you customize the theme.