Chat UIKit SwiftUI v3
Chat UIKit SwiftUI
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Moderate open channels and participants

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You can moderate open channels and participants in SwiftUI through the OpenModerationsView. This view is used to display a moderation view for operators, muted participants, and banned users.

Note: By default, the moderation menu in OpenModerationsView is accessible for operators only.


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You can start building a moderation view through the OpenModerationsView class. Use the init(channelURL:) initializer to create the instance and display the view as shown below.

import SwiftUI
import SendbirdUI

struct ContentView {
    var body: some View {
        OpenModerationsView(channelURL: {CHANNEL_URL})

Init parameters

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Sendbird Chat SwiftUI provides a View customization and DestinationViewBuilder.

  • View customization: Our SwiftUI SDK allows you to selectively customize view elements. To learn more about the customization and our SwiftUI is designed, see the customization guide.
  • DestinationViewBuilder: Use DestinationViewBuilder to customize the destination views that are navigatable from the group channel view.

Note : Visit our Github Sample to see the custom sample implementation for each item.

Partial customization

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You can easily customize a specific part of a View, which particularly comes in handy when changing only a certain area in the View. To do so, use the View Builders that Sendbird has predefined and its a ViewConfig. The ViewConfig contains the data needed to render the view and its parameters can be found in the table below.


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ParameterTypeView items




The following code demonstrates how to replace the view items using headerItem. All other {Component}Items can be used in the same way.

Note : When you customize a parent view, customizations in the child views will not be applied. For example, if you customize the titleView in the headerItem, the customizations of the coverImage or titleLabel in the lower view items will not be applied.

var body: some View {
        channelURL: {CHANNEL_URL},
        headerItem: {
            .leftView { viewConfig in
                Text("Custom Left")
            .rightView { viewConfig in // chaining
                Text("Custom Right")

Full customization

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At this moment, this screen does not support entire customization.


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Sendbird Chat SwiftUI is designed to internally navigate from each view to its connected view. However, if you need to customize the destination view, you can do so by using the interface provided by the DestinationViewBuilder.

DestinationViewBuilder method

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MethodViewBuilder type







The following code demonstrates how to replace the channel settings view connected from the channel view.

OpenModerationsView(channelURL: {CHANNEL_URL})
    .operatorListView { channelURL in
        OpenOperatorListView(channelURL: channelURL)

Note : If you've customized a child view of another view, you need to set the destination view for all the views from the top to the destination view.