Live SDKs JavaScript v1
Live SDKs JavaScript
Live SDKs
Version 1

Display the host view

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During the live event, hosts' content will be streamed using the audio and video devices that are specified in the selectAudioInput() and selectVideoInput() methods.

For a host to view their own media stream, the host is required to specify the video view by calling the liveEvent.setVideoViewForLiveEvent(videoView, hostId: hostId) method with their own ID. If there are other hosts in LiveEvent, call the same method with a list of all hosts' hostId and render the video streams of all hosts to the view.

To achieve best results, here are some components included in the SDK that you can use in creating the host view.

Note: It is recommended to check the settings of the host view before starting the live event so that participants can readily receive the host’s media stream when they enter the live event.