List live events
A user can get a list of ongoing live events using the LiveEventListQuery
object. The user can filter their search by host type, created date, participant count, duration, live event ID, and more by using the LiveEventListQueryParams
object. If the user knows the ID of the live event, the user can use the ID to directly find the live event. Retrieving a live event from the list of ongoing live events also gives access to the chat for the live event. If the chat isn't automatically made available and displayed in the participant view, call fetchOpenChannel()
to manually retrieve the chat.
Note: Keep your original event query in order to paginate and get additional events using
To get a specific live event, use getLiveEvent()
with the event's ID.
Property name | Type | Description |
types | LiveEventType[] | Filters query results to include live events with the specified live event type. |
state | LiveEventState | Filters query results to include live events with the specified live event state. |
createdAtRange | Range | Filters query results to include live events that were created within the specified range in Unix milliseconds. |
participantCountRange | Range | Filters query results to include live events where the number of current participants is within the specified range. |
durationRange | Range | Filters query results to include live events whose duration is within the specified range. |
liveEventIds | String | Filters query results to include live events with the specified live event IDs. |
createdByUserIds | String | Filters query results to include live events that were created by the specified user IDs. |
limit | int | Sets the number of rooms to be retrieved at once. |