Rate per minute per user for communication*
Rate per minute for cloud recording*
Peer-to-peer price
Server-relayed price
Cloud recording
Rate per minute per user for communication*
Rate per minute for cloud recording*
Peer-to-peer price
Server-relayed price
Cloud recording
* Standard pricing in USD. Volume discounts apply.
Calling essentials
- Private 1-to-1 calls 1-to-1 voice or video calls for private conversations.
- Group calls Voice calls of up to 1000 users and video calls of up to 10 users.
- Notifications for incoming calls Let your users receive and customize incoming calls notifications and give them the ability to choose their ringtones and UI elements.
- Mobile push notifications Enable your users to receive push notifications on iOS and Android devices.
- Multi-device support Let your users receive calls on any of their logged-in devices.
- X-platform support Build apps with SDKs for iOS, Android, and JavaScript.
- Video mirroring Let your users see themselves in a mirrored view during video calls.
- Camera switching Allow your users to switch between the front and the rear cameras during a call.
- Audio output selection Allow your users to play audio through their phone’s earpiece, speakerphone, headphone jack, or a bluetooth device.
- Auto-reconnect Reconnect users automatically after an interrupted call as soon as the network conditions improve.
- Call muting Let your users mute themselves during a call.
- Call history Provide access to call history on the sample app, Sendbird dashboard, and via the Sendbird Calls SDKs.
Advanced functions
- Cloud recording Allow participants to record voice and video content on the cloud.
- Integrated user ID with Chat Users share the same ID for chat and calls within the same Sendbird application.
- Custom call metadata Add custom metadata to a specific call.
- On-device call recording Give users the ability to record the audio and video of their calls on their devices.
- Video frame capture Give users the ability to capture an image of the local or remote video view during a call and save it on their device.
- Call event webhooks Subscribe your HTTP connected apps and devices to the Sendbird server’s call event notifications, so that they can automatically react.
- Recording notifications Allow users to notify each other when recording a call.
- Call quality score and metrics Get a rating of the perceived call quality and metrics for each call, in the call details page on the dashboard or via the API.
- Call events integrations with chat Provide users with call event records in their chat channels.
Dashboard and platform API
- Call logs Show and filter call logs on the dashboard.
- Admin calls on dashboard Allow admins to call from the Sendbird dashboard.
- User notification settings Manage push tokens for your apps.
- Automated billing Automate recurring payments to ensure business continuity.
- Call metadata retrieval Get access to the metadata of logged calls via the platform API.
- User authentication Register a user's device token on the Sendbird server to securely use the features of the Sendbird SDK.
- Media stream encryption Encrypt media streaming of all calls according to DTLS standards.
- HIPAA (Available as an Add-on)
The world's most popular apps send with Sendbird
Why business and engineering leaders choose Sendbird's customer communications API platform
What is a Voucher?
What is a Credit?
What happens if I run out of credits or they expire?
How do I automate the billing process?