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Integrate chat quickly with Sendbird's UIKits

Easily build chat functionality into your web and mobile applications in minutes.

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The most feature-rich chat for web and mobile apps

Accelerate the development of stunning in-app chat experiences with ready-made UI components for iOS (Swift), Android (Kotlin), React, and React Native.

Download the sample apps:

Blog image UI Kit dashboard UX Blog image UI Kit dashboard UX

Configure your chat app with no code

Select, preview, and test the chat UIKit features you need directly from the Sendbird dashboard.

Empower your imagination with our SDKs

Craft custom, branded chat experiences with versatile and feature-rich SDKs for iOS, Android, Flutter, JavaScript, .Net, Unreal, and Unity.

  • IOS
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • Flutter
  • .NET
  • Unity
  • Platform
            let initParams = InitParams(applicationId: appId)
SendbirdChat.initialize(params: initParams)
SendbirdChat.addChannelDelegate(self, identifier: delegateId)
SendbirdChat.connect(userId: userId) { user, error in
    // Get channel
    GroupChannel.getChannel(url: channelURL) { channel, error in
        // Send message
        channel?.sendUserMessage(message) { message, error in
            // Message sent

See how Sendbird customers drive results with in-app chat

Enterprise-ready compliance

Craft secure chats with industry-leading standards

  • User authentication & authorization
  • AES256 encryption
  • OpenSSL
  • TLS 1.3
Compliance 2

Ready for the next level?