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Chat SDKs for building in-app chat

With these Sendbird Chat SDKs, you have everything you need to build world-class in-app messaging experiences. Plus there’s plenty of tutorials, samples, and docs to get you up and running.

Icon code

An overview of our
messaging SDKs

Create your own WhatsApp, Discord, Slack, or Intercom with our chat SDKs for Android, iOS, JavaScript, .Net, Unity, and Flutter.

iOS Swift chat SDK

Build your iOS chat app faster with modern Swift code and launch to the App Store in no time.

Android SDK
Android Kotlin chat SDK

Develop faster and create stable apps for Android with Google’s leading coding language.

Javascript chat SDK

Deploy web apps faster using TypeScript, Microsoft's modern coding language.

iOS Obj-C chat SDK

Looking to build a fantastic custom iOS chat app? You’ll be ready for the App Store in no time with the iOS Sendbird Chat SDK.

Android SDK
Android Java chat SDK

If you want to add best-in class chat to your Android app, look no further. Here’s the SDK you need to make it happen.

Unreal SDK
Unreal chat SDK

Quickly integrate in-game chat into your app using the Unreal game engine. Help to create delightful conversations that drive engagement and retention.

Unity SDK
Unity chat SDK

With the Sendbird Chat SDK for Unity, quickly build custom and delightful chat experiences that gamers will love.

.NET chat SDK

Already spending a lot of time in Visual Studio? Then use the .NET Sendbird Chat SDK to build custom real-time chat faster and delight gamers with fun and authentic interactions.

Flutter SDK
Flutter chat SDK

Easily build a world-class messaging experience across apps on web and mobile platforms with our Sendbird Chat Flutter SDK.

An overview of our chat UIKits

Go to market fast with our Sendbird Chat UIKits for Android, iOS, and the web using React.

React SDK
React Chat UIKit

Quickly build a fully-featured chat app for the web with our easy-to-use React library & pre-made UIs.

iOS Chat UIKit

Save time building a world-class iOS messaging app with our pre-built UI components.

Android SDK
Android Chat UIKit

Speed up chat development in your mobile app with our feature-rich ready-made UI components.

React SDK
React Native Chat UIKit

Write your code once and deploy on all platforms with our feature-rich UIKit and ready-made UIs.

Did you know that developers at the world’s leading companies are building modern and scalable chat experiences with Sendbird?