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What is a cross-platform API?

A cross-platform API allows developers to build apps or software that can run on multiple operating systems or platforms with minimal modifications.

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Elevate in-app engagement eBook

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Elevate in-app engagement eBook

Saving time and development resources, a cross-platform API provides a unified set of functionalities that abstract (or simplify) the platform-specific details that would otherwise complicate integration with different platforms. This allows developers to write and deploy one code set across different platforms and operating systems, such as iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and more. Cross-platform APIs are also designed to work with multiple programming languages and frameworks.

Cross-platform APIs allow a business to reach the broadest possible audience while saving time, effort, and development resources. They also provide developers with tools, libraries, and frameworks that facilitate development across multiple operating systems.

Examples of cross-platform APIs

  • Java API: The Java API enables developers to build Java apps that provide interactive, dynamic web experiences and run on any platform without modification.

  • React Native: A popular JavaScript framework developed by Facebook that allows developers to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase.

  • Sendbird Chat API: Used to build in-app chat for any device or platform and provide modern messaging features and data controls. Includes native chat SDKs (software development kits) and user interface (UI) components to expedite design.

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