What is an API endpoint?
An API endpoint is a specific web address that an API uses to enable communications between two different software applications.
The API endpoint represents a specific resource or function provided by an API. It also defines the routes that applications can use to make requests and receive responses from the API server to access that resource or function.
In other words, the endpoint is the entry point for apps to interact with an API. It serves to structure how apps and the API server interact, including the URL (uniform resource locator) format that apps use to access the API’s resources. Apps use HTTP methods to perform specific actions, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
For example, a weather API might have the following API endpoints that correspond with certain functionalities:
Get current weather
Endpoint: `/api/weather/current`
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves the current weather conditions for a specific location
Add favorite location
Endpoint: `api/weather/favorites`
Method: POST
Description: Allow users to add a location to their favorites for quick access to weather information
Update favorite location
Endpoint: `/api/weather/favorites/{locationId}`
Method: PUT
Description: Allows users to update the details of their favorite location
Remove favorite location
Endpoint: `/api/weather/favorites/{locationId}
Method: DELETE
Description: Allow users to remove a location from their list of favorites
To effectively use an API, developers must understand the available endpoints, their associated HTTP methods, as well as the API request and API response formats. API providers make this information available in their API documentation, which is located in the developer portal.

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