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What is message threading?

Message threading is a feature that allows users to ask questions, give feedback, or add context to a specific message without disrupting the flow of the original group conversion.

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When a topic is broached that breaks from the original discussion, users can segment that topic into a separate thread. This way, the intended recipient can respond in context directly without confusing the larger group. Message threading improves the user experience by organizing the flow of conversation, and helping users to sustain multiple discussions without any mix-up.

Benefits of message threading

  • Improved conversation flow: Without messaging threading, users often find it difficult to determine who a specific message is intended for. Message threads break new topics off into coherent and chronological threads, helping users maintain multiple focused discussions at once without confusion.

  • Clutter-free interface: Threads group related messages together in a way that reduces visual clutter, differentiates different discussions, and streamlines engagement.

  • Easy to reference: Message threading allows users to expand, collapse, and quickly reference threads as part of a more coherent, organized messaging experience.

  • Increased engagement: Users are more likely to engage in group discussions that are well-organized, distinct, and easy to follow.

Use cases for message threads

  • User conversations: Message threads help users in group chats have in-depth discussions about different topics at once, without leaving the channel.

  • Operations: Teams use message threading to organize different tasks and projects, streamlining shared work without losing access to the primary communication channel.

  • Customer support: Threads allow support teams to manage individual customer inquiries while maintaining context, and deliver more personalized service with greater efficiency.

  • Social and communities: Message threading helps to organize the group messaging experience, reducing clutter and differentiating possible topics to promote engagement.

  • Education: Message threading gives teachers a dedicated space to answer questions by topic to facilitate discussion and learning.

Message threading adds an important element of structure to group conversations, improving the efficiency and user experience of in-app communications. This feature is included in the chat APIs from Sendbird and other leading in-app communications platforms.

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