What is server status?
Server status refers to the operational state or condition of the servers that host an in-app communications platform.
Servers handle incoming requests from user devices, and the server status indicates whether those servers are available and ready to handle incoming requests. Server status is monitored using server monitoring tools included with the in-app communications platform. These monitoring tools continuously and proactively check the health and performance of the server infrastructure.
What status server can indicate
Availability: Server status reflects whether messaging servers are online and accessible to users, allowing messaging activity without experiencing service disruptions and connectivity issues.
Performance: Server status offers performance insights via metrics like response time, server load, or throughput. These indicate how well a server handles incoming requests and processes messages, ensuring no bottlenecks or issues impact user experience.
Maintenance: If messaging servers are undergoing maintenance and experiencing downtime, the server status will indicate it. This way, users are aware of scheduled maintenance and service interruptions to messaging.
Error handling: Server status helps to identify and resolve errors and issues with the server.
Scalability and load balancing: Monitoring the server status and load allows administrators to ensure optimal performance as user volume fluctuates. Admins can allocate resources, provision additional servers, or adjust server capacities to handle the increased demand.
To maintain high server stability, leading in-app communications platforms offer robust server infrastructure and implement redundancy measures. Through continuous and proactive efforts, this ensures that the communications platform delivers a reliable, responsive messaging experience to end-users. Look for service level agreements (SLAs) from in-app communication providers that ensure the reliability of their messaging service in terms of server stability and API uptime.
You can check the Sendbird server status here.

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