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Introducing Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI chat SDKs

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The only UIKit you need to build in-app chat.

Keeping pace with emerging technologies is crucial for developers. That’s why we’re thrilled to launch two new chat UI Kit SDKs using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI

These two modern native UI framework developer tools complement our rich chat SDK library portfolio for iOS, Android, Flutter, React, and React Native UIKits.

What are Jetpack Compose and Swift UI?

Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI are modern, declarative UI frameworks designed to simplify and enhance user interface development for Android and iOS, respectively.

Both frameworks enable developers to build dynamic, responsive interfaces using concise, intuitive code.

  • Jetpack Compose leverages Kotlin to streamline UI creation and handle complex layouts with ease.

  • SwiftUI utilizes Swift to offer a seamless and interactive design experience across all Apple platforms.

Why upgrade to the Jetpack Compose SDK and the SwiftUI chat SDK?

These frameworks allow for faster development, improved performance, and greater flexibility than traditional UI approaches. Jetpack Compose tailored for Android and SwiftUI for Apple's ecosystem share common benefits, including:

For Developers:

  • Streamlined Development: Use native and modern declarative UI frameworks to reduce development time and complexity.

  • Better Performance: Enjoy enhanced performance with optimized, lightweight code and improved rendering.

  • Greater Flexibility: Customize your chat interfaces more freely, leveraging the full potential of Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI.

For Users:

  • Engaging Chat Experience: Deliver an as engaging and responsive chat experience–as you did with other Sendbird UIKits–with interfaces that are great for real-time interactions.

  • Consistency Across Platforms: Provide a consistent and smooth chat experience across different devices and operating systems.

UI frameworks' community and ecosystem support

Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI are the default options for the iOS and Android platforms. Therefore, they receive massive support and backing from Apple and Google. They have growing communities and extensive documentation. Leveraging community-driven resources, forums, and example projects can accelerate your development process and provide valuable insights.

Build Android and iOS chat apps faster with Jetpack Compose and Swift UI

By integrating Sendbird’s Jetpack Compose chat SDK and SwiftUI chat SDK, you’re embracing the future of UI development. These UIKit SDKs empower you to build highly customizable and engaging chat experiences that connect and satisfy users.

Start coding chat for free for 30 days and take communication in your app to the next level today! For SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose tutorials and sample apps check our documentation for chat.

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