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Boost ops efficiency, drive revenue, & save big with omnichannel messaging

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Introducing the Sendbird Welcome Kit

Brand Guidelines
Aug 31, 2021
Brand design team
Brand Design Team
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Boost ops efficiency, drive revenue, & save big with omnichannel messaging

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Boost ops efficiency, drive revenue, & save big with omnichannel messaging

Our brand team’s been working hard to improve the onboarding experience for new hires. We want to ensure new Sendbird hires feel welcome from the start with a seamless onboarding process packed with moments of delight. With this in mind, we’ve launched the first Sendbird Welcome Kit.

The deeper purpose behind the Sendbird Welcome Kit

With the welcome kit, not only do we provide a welcoming gift to our new Sendbirdians but we’d also like to improve their experience here at Sendbird, by sharing our values and culture. On boarding traditions reflect a great company culture. That’s why we chose to instill the core culture of Sendbird into this welcome kit as well as our onboarding culture.

Collaboration with People and Culture (P&C)

Developing the Sendbird Welcome kit was a significant project, produced by both the brand design team and P&C team in a bid to provide strategic internal branding for all employees. Despite several setbacks such as a limited budget, the pandemic, and other minor product-related issues, we worked together as a team to find a solution. We, personally, learned a lot from the project.

For years, we’ve continued to refine our logo to be more simple, in order to make it more recognizable and utilizable.

Brand Design Venn Diagram

Step 1 – Make an onboarding journey map

Let me get into a little history about the project. We started the project with a journey map. The onboarding journey was divided into four sections. Onboarding email, office, welcome kit, onboarding program. Our brand design team decided to focus on these touch points with the welcome kit.

Blog Onboarding Journey Map

Step 2 – Design direction

The main design direction of the project is to expand the existing Sendbird graphic elements and convey the Welcome message with a lively celebration. Based on this direction, we added the particle graphic elements and the welcoming message chat bubble, then used lively by applying motion graphics.

Onboarding email

This is the email Header. The e-mail header is a GIF application.

Blog Welcome GIF

Office signage

We’ve refreshed the signage that is placed entrance of the office, so that new employees can easily navigate.

Blog Office Signage
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Welcome kit

The welcome kit consists of a total of 6 items, including a t-shirt, sticker, keyring, light, note and pen. The sticker was made in the same design as the onboarding email header image in order to maintain consistency.

Blog Before & After
Blog Welcome Box
Blog Notebook bag
Blog Sendbird Welcome Kit
Blog Sendbird Stickers

We hope you enjoyed learning about the journey to creating the first Sendbird Welcome Kit. We’ll continue the behind-the-scenes effort to improve the onboarding experience for new hires.

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