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How to Choose the Best NLP Chatbot

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Growth in NLP Chatbot market

Source: Statista

By the year 2027, it is forecasted that the global chatbot market will reach a valuation of 455 million USD, experiencing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23%. This notable expansion is anticipated to be driven by the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, including technologies like Natural Language Processing.

NLP chatbots are advanced chatbots designed to mimic human-like conversations using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. By understanding natural language inputs and providing relevant and accurate responses, NLP chatbots ensure seamless customer interactions and enhance user satisfaction.

Boost in User Acceptance and Satisfaction

Source: Deloitte

Along with technological advancement in NLP chatbots, user acceptance and satisfaction will also see a significant boost. Moving from "command" driven to "conversation" driven chatbots represents a significant evolution in the interaction model between humans and AI. A command-driven chatbot operates on specific, predefined commands or questions, requiring users to follow a structured input pattern to get the desired output. For example, a user might need to type "check weather" to receive the weather forecast from a command-driven chatbot, limiting the interaction to rigid, predefined phrases.

Conversely, a conversation-driven chatbot utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and understanding (NLU) to engage in more fluid, natural conversations with users. This allows users to express their inquiries in their own words, as if they were talking to another human. For instance, instead of relying on a specific command, a user could ask a conversational chatbot, "What's the weather like today?" or "Do I need an umbrella?" and the chatbot would understand the intent behind the question and provide an appropriate response.

An example of this evolution can be seen in customer service applications. Initially, chatbots in customer service were largely command-driven, requiring customers to select from a menu of options or use specific keywords to navigate a service query. Today, conversational chatbots can understand and process natural language inputs, allowing customers to state their problems in their own words. For instance, a customer might say, "I'm having trouble logging into my account," and the conversational chatbot can guide them through the troubleshooting process in a more natural, engaging manner, asking follow-up questions and providing tailored advice based on the conversation flow.

This shift not only enhances user experience by making interactions more intuitive and less frustrating but also enables more complex and satisfying engagements between users and AI systems, bridging the gap towards more human-like interactions with technology.

Benefits of Having an NLP Chatbot

When selecting an NLP chatbot for your business, it is essential to have a clear understanding of its functionality. While some chatbots are limited to handling simple queries, others are capable of handling complex and nuanced conversations. Evaluating the chatbot's ability to learn and improve over time is also crucial. A good NLP chatbot should continuously adapt and refine its responses based on user interactions, ensuring that it becomes more accurate and helpful over time. There are several benefits of having an NLP chatbot:

1. Enhanced Customer Experience

An NLP chatbot provides immediate, 24/7 support, answering queries and resolving issues in real-time. This constant availability ensures that customer needs are met promptly, significantly boosting satisfaction and loyalty.

Example: A customer visits an online electronics store at midnight looking for troubleshooting advice for their laptop. The NLP chatbot immediately engages, asking specific questions to diagnose the issue and providing step-by-step guidance to resolve it. The customer fixes the problem without waiting for the customer service to open the next day, leading to a highly satisfied customer experience.

2. Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings

By automating routine inquiries, an NLP chatbot allows customer service teams to focus on more complex tasks. This not only increases operational efficiency but also reduces the overhead costs associated with human agents.
Juniper Research forecasts that healthcare providers using AI chatbots can expect average cost savings in the range of $0.50-$0.70 per interaction. Moreover, McKinsey & Company found that AI driven customer service leads to a 20 percent reduction in the cost-to-serve.

Example: A telecom company receives thousands of inquiries daily about bill payments, plan changes, and service disruptions. By implementing an NLP chatbot, they automate responses to these common questions, reducing the volume of calls to their human agents by 70%. This shift allows the company to reallocate resources to more complex customer issues and strategic initiatives, significantly reducing operational costs.

3. Personalized Interactions

Through understanding context and analyzing user data, an NLP chatbot can deliver tailored recommendations and solutions, making each customer interaction feel unique and valued. 80% of companies report seeing an uplift since implementing personalization.

Example: A user interacts with a fitness app's NLP chatbot to find a new workout plan. The chatbot asks about the user's fitness goals, preferred workout duration, and available equipment. Based on the responses, it suggests a personalized 4-week workout plan tailored to the user's specific needs, enhancing the user's engagement with the app.4. Scalability: An NLP chatbot can handle a vast number of queries simultaneously without compromising the quality of service, making them an ideal solution for businesses experiencing rapid growth or seasonal spikes in customer inquiries.

4. Scalability

An NLP chatbot can handle a vast number of queries simultaneously without compromising the quality of service, making them an ideal solution for businesses experiencing rapid growth or seasonal spikes in customer inquiries.

Example: During the holiday season, a retail company experiences a tenfold increase in customer inquiries related to product availability, shipping times, and order tracking. Their NLP chatbot efficiently manages this surge, handling thousands of simultaneous conversations without the need for additional human customer service agents, ensuring timely and consistent support for all customers.

5. Valuable Insights

By analyzing conversations, an NLP chatbot can provide businesses with actionable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and trends, aiding in informed decision-making and strategy development.

Example: an e-commerce company can use chatbot analytics to identify trending products and customer preferences, guiding inventory and marketing strategies. If you provide financial services, analyzing chatbot conversations to uncover common customer pain points can lead to product and service improvements.

Identifying Your Customer Service Needs

Identify need for chatbot

Before diving into the world of NLP chatbots, it is crucial to identify your customer service needs. Evaluate your current support processes and determine the areas where a chatbot can provide the most value. Do you receive a high volume of frequently asked questions? Are there specific tasks that can be automated to save time and reduce manual effort? By understanding your requirements, you can narrow down your options and find a chatbot that aligns with your objectives.

Example: A small online bookstore notices that most customer inquiries after 6 PM are about order status and book availability. By implementing an NLP chatbot, they can provide immediate responses to these common questions outside of regular business hours, enhancing customer satisfaction without the need for round-the-clock human support.

Analyze types of inquiries

When evaluating your current support processes, it is important to consider the different types of customer inquiries you receive. Are there common themes or patterns in the questions asked? Identifying these patterns can help you determine the specific areas where a chatbot can be most effective. For example, if you notice that a significant portion of your customer inquiries are related to order tracking, a chatbot can be designed to provide real-time updates on order status, saving both your customers and support team valuable time.

Example: An electronics retailer analyzes their customer service tickets and discovers that 40% of inquiries are related to product compatibility (e.g., "Is this camera compatible with my laptop?"). They decide to implement a chatbot that can answer such compatibility questions by accessing a database of product specifications, significantly reducing the workload on their customer service team.

Understand channels

Moreover, consider the channels through which you interact with customers. Do you primarily engage with them through a website, mobile app, or social media platforms? Ensure that the chatbot you choose supports the channels that are most relevant to your business. For example, if your customers frequently reach out to you through social media platforms, it is important to select a chatbot that can seamlessly integrate with those platforms, allowing for a smooth and consistent customer experience.

Example: A beauty brand finds that a significant portion of their customer engagement occurs on Instagram, with many inquiries about product recommendations and ingredients. They deploy an NLP chatbot integrated with Instagram's messaging feature, allowing customers to get instant answers about products directly through the social media platform they already use.

Anticipate demand

Furthermore, it is worth considering the potential for future expansion and integration with other systems. As your business evolves, you may need to integrate your chatbot with other tools or databases to provide a more comprehensive customer service experience. By selecting a chatbot that offers flexibility and compatibility with other systems, you can future-proof your customer service operations and ensure a seamless transition as your business grows.

Example: A growing online meal delivery service anticipates the need to scale their customer support rapidly. They choose a chatbot platform that not only handles FAQs and order tracking but also integrates with their CRM and inventory management systems. This foresight allows them to later expand the chatbot's capabilities to include personalized meal recommendations based on past orders and dietary preferences, offering a more tailored customer experience as their service offerings grow.

Key Features to Look for in an NLP Chatbot

When evaluating different NLP chatbots, there are several key features to consider. Look for a chatbot that offers:

  • Multi-language support: If your business operates globally, having a chatbot that can communicate in multiple languages is essential.

  • Integration capabilities: Ensure that the chatbot can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, such as CRM software or ticketing platforms.

  • Customization options: The ability to tailor the chatbot's responses and appearance to match your brand image is crucial for maintaining consistency.

  • Analytics and reporting: A chatbot that provides insights into customer interactions can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your support processes.

Consider these features based on your specific requirements to find a chatbot that aligns with your business needs.

Other considerations for choosing your NLP Chatbot


Branding plays a vital role in creating a unique and consistent customer experience. Look for an NLP chatbot that offers customization options to align with your brand's visual identity. A chatbot that can be easily customized in terms of appearance, language, and tone of voice can help create a seamless brand experience for your customers.

Consider whether the chatbot can display your brand's logo and colors, and if it allows you to define the chatbot's persona to match your brand's voice and style. These customization options can make the chatbot feel like a natural extension of your brand.


Integration capabilities are crucial when choosing an NLP chatbot. Assess whether the chatbot can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, helpdesk tools, or e-commerce platforms. A well-integrated chatbot can provide a unified view of customer interactions and enable efficient collaboration between different teams.

When evaluating integration capabilities, consider factors such as ease of implementation, available APIs, and compatibility with your existing technology stack. Choosing a chatbot that integrates with your current systems can streamline your support processes and enhance the overall customer experience.

Security and Data Privacy

Data security and privacy are critical considerations when implementing an NLP chatbot. Ensure that the chatbot provider follows industry-standard security practices and adheres to data protection regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA. Look for a chatbot that offers encryption for sensitive customer data and provides robust access controls to prevent unauthorized access.

Additionally, check if the chatbot provider has undergone third-party security audits and certifications to validate their security practices. Protecting customer data should be a top priority when choosing an NLP chatbot.

Ease of Use

An NLP chatbot should be easy to use for both customers and your support team. Look for a chatbot with a user-friendly interface that allows customers to interact effortlessly. Consider whether the chatbot supports multimedia content, such as images or videos, to enhance the user experience.

Furthermore, evaluate the chatbot's backend interface. Ensure that your support team can easily manage and update the chatbot without the need for extensive technical knowledge. A chatbot with an intuitive control panel can save time and effort when it comes to configuration and maintenance.


Choosing the right NLP chatbot for your customer service needs requires careful consideration of various factors. By understanding the basics of NLP chatbots, identifying your specific requirements, and evaluating key features, you can find a chatbot that aligns with your business objectives. Consider the chatbot's accuracy and efficiency, customization options, integration capabilities, security measures, pricing models, user interface, and learn from real-life case studies. By making an informed decision, you can leverage the power of NLP chatbots to enhance your customer service and drive customer satisfaction.

Remember, selecting an NLP chatbot is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Take the time to analyze your needs and find the perfect match that will revolutionize your customer service experience.

Interested in building your AI chatbot?

On February 27th, Sendbird launched a no-code AI chatbot, powered by OpenAI's advanced GPT technology, is ready to deploy on your website in minutes. This sleek, multilingual AI chatbot solution is designed for businesses seeking to enhance customer service, boost lead generation, and increase sales, all while streamlining operations. This custom GPT solution goes beyond answering queries; it creates connections and builds the foundation of business relationships, making every customer feel valued and understood.

Sign up for your free trial at:

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