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AI Chatbot for Zapier

Unlock endless possibilities by easily connecting to the tools you already use and love, no code necessary.

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Sendbird + Zapier Chatbot = Instant answers. Personalized experiences. Anytime, anywhere.

Zapier AI chatbot everywhere
AI chatbot everywhere

Connect the Zapier chatbot with popular communication platforms like email and WhatsApp. Provide instant responses to your customers, via their preferred channels.

Zapier Increased productivity
Increased productivity

Embed your Zapier chatbot into existing workflows to automate routine tasks and inquiries. Free up your human agents’ time to focus on complex problem-solving.

Zapier personalized interaction
Knowledge-fueled interactions

Let your Zapier chatbot take on customer inquiries across all channels - email, chat, social media. Leverage its knowledge base understanding to automatically deliver responses.

Zapier integrations

Integration with Zapier

Expand your chatbot’s capabilities with no-code automation across 7000 apps. Manage complex actions and workflows with ease.

Sign up for a free trial today

Sendbird AI chatbot with Zapier integration
Unlocking a world of automation possibilities across 7,000 apps - no coding required.

asked questions

How much does Sendbird AI Chatbot cost?
Does Sendbird offer a free trial for its AI chatbot?
Do I need to purchase Zapier separately to use it with Sendbird?
How should I get started with Zapier integration?
What should I do after setting up a Zapier account?
Where can I find Sendbird's AI chatbot resources?